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Detox Vaccine Toxins


Surrendering back to your natural body intelligence




Total embodiment of your spirit into your cells. 

In this 4 part webinar series I will support you to release any information of vaccines in your system which are not serving your highest.
In each webinar I will share with you the results that I have experienced with releasing each element of the vaccine and integrating more of your spirit into your cells and DNA. 

This will bring you back into alignment and open up a space for you to reconnect with the natural blueprint of you, bevor you received the vaccines. 


"As if a fog had dissolved. My senses are sharper, there is much more clarity to perceive my intuition and stand up for myself, a new strength and vitality in my body. I love this feeling of freshness, nourishment, playfulness and peace. 

What a blessing. Thank you from my heart!!"

Lots of love, Christine



"Hi Damien, after the webinars on clearing vaccines I experience new spaces of being opening up deep within me. Feels like veils were taken away. And it keeps going deeper " 
Sebastian S. 



"For me it’s difficult to describe... it feels like a big huge incredible journey we all take together and it doesn‘t stop yet. In my body, mind, perception is so much shifting but I can‘t put in words, difficult to explain it. My mind cannot understand yet I think. And it keeps on working so much. With the vaccine topic something in my womb starts to flow and energies are releasing so much that I can feel it flows down the legs until the feet. And it doesn‘t stop. It’s going on. The hole body feels very warm and vibrating, like electricity. And today when I walked outside in the forest, I felt so connected with all the nature. I felt the energies from the trees and I was totally present." 
Janine K.

Detox Vaccine Toxins

Surrendering back to your natural body intelligence




These are all living recordings and by repeating them you will open every time new spaces in yourself and embody deeper into your cells and your respiratory system.  

The regular price is Euro 132 +VAT

Because of the current circumstances I have reduced the price for this webinar series to

EUR 88 + VAT


 For everyone who is in financial difficulties due Covid19  I am offering an extra


20 % reduction with the discount code: Love

50% reduction with the discount code: Detoxnow

After the payment you will receive a confirmation email from Digistore24, it contains also the the links for the RECORDINGS. 

You have the possibility to watch them online via YouTube or download the files Video + extra Audio only files from our Dropbox.

Return policy: no return possible after 60 days



"Active stem cells in the face, arms, shoulders, belly much more space, felt like connecting to a light above. 
New consciousness of spirit connecting with the body, new power"
Christine A. 


"Thank you so much Damien for your master work - amazing shifts take place feeling light and lots if energy. My respiratory volume has doubled."
Astrid P.


"Thank you very much for this webinar. I was there during the live and today the recording. It works so deep in the whole body. It even helps calm the fears. There is so much space in my lungs, in my cells, the only thing missing is the decision to stop smoking, but that will also come. In today's repetition I felt a lot of heat in my body as if there was a little phoenix in every cell ;) Thank you so much, Damien, for your wonderful work."


"Thank you, Damien. I just come out of watching the recording. My whole body is tingling with fresh energy, there is so much widened space now for everything, and my cells are supercharged with an energy that translates into hope, enthusiasm and the knowledge: There is more to come. My whole being is in charge."



"I was working on topics of self love and on having more connection to my body for years.

During and after doing the „Boost your immune system“ and „Detox vaccine toxins“ series with Damien, I had a huge transformation in such a short period of time, which I didn't have before in years.

I feel so much more connected to my body, the cells, the organs in a loving and vibrant way. I´m so much more embodied. Even things like my nearly always cold hands and feet are nearly gone.

The connection to my spirit, my being became much stronger, deeper and anchored into my body. In my whole system there is more life force, strength, energy, joy and at the same time softness, peace, stillness.

I´m experiencing self love, compassion for myself and a softness with myself, where there was struggle against myself before. And there is even more of an impersonal state of myself at the same time.

I´m much more aware of the connection to mother earth and oneness with the universe. It´s like breathing with it.

All of this is a really big and wonderful shift. And it´s still expanding, moving and growing day by day."
Wiesje Lohmann



"I finally completed the Detox Series when I finished the second webinar yesterday.

Here is my feedback: I really felt negative or destructive astrological beliefs, curses, old contracts in the ancestral lines come up for me yesterday. There was also release of parasitic energies, I felt that I had forgotten what it was like to be really healthy!

There is movement in the lymph nodes in my right armpit, but that has been coming up for a couple of weeks, so it will move. But once again, feeling the feet in a completely new way, especially in my right foot which felt heavier, there was more feeling in it and also more sense if that makes sense: I could feel more through it."

Ananda Siu Ying



"Hi all just wanted to share my experience, from the 3 webinars and felt huge shifts especially in the third webinar , I felt so elated to be so in touch with spirit , then the next day I went into a deep slump where all of my motivation left me , as I’ve recently lost my dad I’m presuming the grief together with detoxing had a massive effect on me , so I went with it and allowed the sadness to sit with me and let it take its course , grief is very much like a wave that comes and goes without announcing it’s arrival , A week later and I feel like a very new me , full of hope and appreciation for my journey and all it’s ups and downs , feeling very grateful for this opportunities to grow with you all"

Aileen Hanrahan



"I’m feeling wrapped in gratitude, peace, joy and tenderness.

My neck, a lifelong issue, is soft, the mass and density of my brain has increased a lot, my head feels connected to my body, which feels cosy, soft and flexible. When meditating there is a stronger energy, I connect much faster and deeper to my core, there is a new consciousness in my feet connecting to mother earth.
When my body moves, my consciousness keeps staying in the center, the energy streams in my brain and spreads with my breath in my whole body, creating beautiful subtle waves.

Thank you from my heart, Damien, for sharing your incredible gifts and going with us this magic and blessing journey.
Thank you to the whole group, it’s amazing to know to be connected to you, mind like souls."

Christine Aufderhaar



"The Immun Boost webinar left me with much more strength and clarity and the feeling that I am the master in/of my body and that there is no space for anything (virus) else.
Somehow I was a bit surprised that it called me to do the Detox Vaccine on top.
I stepped in late and started with the relay an Sunday right before the second webinar of the series. As wie worked the formaldehyde out of the body I felt a strong release mainly in my upper arms and than ribcage as if the information of formaldehyde have formed a sticky skin around all of my cells there and finally loosened and transmuted. Afterwords the cells could finally breath and unfold. I have always experienced a weakness in my arms that is now completely gone.

The second part left my lungs crystal clear withe much more space and even more capacity to breath. I can literally feel my spirit embodying more and more with every breath.
I am now looking forward to part tree of the series."

Samara Sophia J. Schreib


"Hi Damien

Since I do the mediation, my life has changed. Finally, I make the determination and not my saboteur. I have the power back. Thank you so much."

Brigitte Rüesch



"Part 1 on Wednesday was extremely powerful for me, like a birthing process. My body reacted strongly with dizziness and roller coaster energies and then it felt like a vibrant new body, my spirit is in every cell of my body. It was an amazing feeling !

In part 2 on Friday there was a lot of sadness coming up and after that in my body was softness and surrender."

Cornelia Kopp



"Feel soooo good this morning, having joy in my cells, in my body, good thoughts, deep trust, creativity, ...
I love the life force and my spirit coming in excepting every part in my body.
It's really getting stronger and stronger every day 
Thank you Damien Wynne for all your work on you deeply and with such a gig hurt sharing with us!"

Gerhild Tscherne



"After the 1 part I felt for two days the detoxing process very strong in my body. Headaches and other pains came up, and I was very tired. Drinking a lot of warm water, tea, eating warm and relaxing in my bed and feeling the energy melting in my body helped to go easily through this process.

Since part 2 I feel so soft and I love the innocence coming back and the freedom in my spirit. The ancestor energies are clearing more and more and simultaneously the contact to the ancestors, unborn children ist getting deeper. "

Sat Avtar Kaur



"I started the detox webinar with you all on the 1st. After the session I felt totally changed. I feel so much more space, so much detoxed already and inner peace directly after the 1st session. That's great! ?? I drank right away one liter of water and a lot of toxic stuff was washed out in the next morning.

Yesterday I repeated the 5th session of Immune Boost and after that something changed again. It's an amazing experience to me.

I'm more sensitive with the food. I already chose my food very well before the webinars but I became more sensitiv. I felt eating the bitter winter salads with tuna and lots of onions for example. It sounds funny but my body told me. I drink 2 liters of ginger tea per day and so on. My body tells me louder than before what to eat or to do... That's great!??

Thank you everyone for this field."

Petra Wal



"Wow Damien, I can only say. What a DEEP experience when so much old falls away and opens up space for the soul.
I am deeply touched. Your work has always connected me deeply with my soul, but this journey here is deeper and more powerful than anything before.
The connection to mother earth has reached me much deeper, my soul fills every cell of my body and my mind is clearer than ever. New opportunities. Deep transformation. Pure Life."
thank you very much,

Sirut Sabine Haller


Damien Wynne 
Misaraliotou 1, floor 4
11742 Athens

Telephone: Tel.: +30 694 324 5076
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